ATTENTION COACHES, HEALERS & SERVICE PROVIDERS! How You Can Get Your Clients To Pay On Time For Your Packages/Products Over $4000
So, how do you get paid from clients on time? That’s a great question! As a Coach, Healer or Service Provider how great does it feel when you say to your client…. “This is the the total investment to work with me $xxxxx “
and they say… “Great…. Here’s my credit card… Please process the full amount.”
and within 24hrs…. You look at your bank account and it’s ALL there!!!
It creates this beautiful and magical space where you know with this client… you can purely focus on serving them at the highest…
The financial exchange has been done and you can go full throttle on the thing you love most, which is the delivery of product / service.
Unfortunately for most small businesses that provide high value services / healings / or products this scenario only around 10% of the time.
As most people don’t have $1000’s of dollars to off load in a single transaction and to accommodate this, so many small businesses are offering IN-HOUSE payment plans where they bare the total risk of the account.
Being able to offer this is a great facility for clients, but it can exposure your business to un-necessary risk, especially if the majority of your business income is coming in through these ‘IN-HOUSE’ payment plans…
The great news is now there are several different banks and lender that are offering finance solutions for your premium packages, course and products, so you don’t have to be a finance company anymore.
That means you get PAID IN FULL FROM DAY 1 and… your client can choose a loan option from 2 – 7 years, they can pay it out early whenever they like making the repayments EVEN more affordable than your current IN-HOUSE payment plans
And the added bonus is all the risk fall on the finance company and not you!
If you’ll love to find out more, please click here, let’s have a chat and see if this applies to your business…
Kel ❤️
Live Life Now
Before LFA, I was facilitating all my payment plans myself which meant 90% of our income was on extended payments and it took a considerable amount of time for us to collect the monies that were owed to us. Our revenue was awesome, but our cashflow wasn’t nearly as great. Since being able to add finance to our products and service we have been able to grow and scale considerably because we receive the majority of our course payments in full from day 1. This really changed the game for us.